T&I News 5 2018…
In the last blog post I promised to update with the Narrow Gauge motive power for the GNSF, once we had confirmation on what we will be using.
The railway will be operated by 3 steam locomotives covered below. The sub theme for the narrow gauge line at the event is new build locomotives, all these engines being built built since 2000.
Below: Samson will be familiar to regular blog readers. Whilst it isn’t a visitor this will be the first time that Samson has operated on the Narrow Gauge Railway for the GNSF. It will be largely based at the Pockerley end of the line with its tender and lead tub, though may see some occasional use on the other wagons.
Statfold and Jack Lane
We are pleased to be hosting two locomotives from the Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust. Statfold and Jack Lane were both built in 2005. These two locomotives will do the majority of the work over the GNSF, running with the various wagons covered in the previous post. They will arrive just before the Easter weekend and will stay until mid-May so will be seen in steam on a few occasions after the event.
Below: Some photos of Jack Lane and Statfold at the Threlkeld Quarry Railway event last year. The locomotives are well travelled ambassadors for Statfold and we are pleased to be able to add Beamish to the list of locations they have visited.
Whilst not a new build, the National Railway Museum simplex will see occasional use over the event, fitting into the World War One theme.
Below: The simplex and Crewe tractor last year.
Matthew Ellis
Keeper of Transport
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