Event Preparations…
7th August 2009
I thought I would round the week off with quick look at some of the engines booked for the Great North Steam Fair (GNSF herein!). More images will follow next week…
One that is not illustrated but is an exciting attendee is the newly restored Andrew Barclay 0-4-0ST ‘Colin McAndrew’ from the Chasewater Railway. This engine had a period of operation in the region and I will post more details once I have a photograph to illustrate it. This will be at work in the colliery.
We have also booked the AB 0-4-0ST ‘WST’ from the Bowes Railway, for ‘Driver for a fiver’ duties in the station and along the newly relaid running line. It is seen below on a previous visit along with Peter Corbett’s Aveling roller, which is also booked to appear.
Below: The well know Sentinel steam bus ‘Martha’ is coming over the Pennines from Cumbria to operate at the museum on all four days – a ride with a difference and reminiscent of the Sentinel steam buses that were used on Scotswood Road (Armstrong’s works) during the Second World War.

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