Latest Trackwork Progress
21st August 2009
Here are another series of photographs showing the remarkable rate of progress the track team are making in renewing the NER demonstration line. Now benefiting from drainage, ballast and near-new sleepers, as well as a major programme of vegetation clearance, this line is taking on a very different appearance…
I have included some ‘before’ shots just to highlight the change in scene here.
Below: Summer 2007 and Bowes’ Barlcay WST explores the undergrowth behind the town. We were making full use of a new water supply to the adjacent sewage plant, offering much higher pressure than available elsewhere on the route.
Below: A lonely signal (Rowley outer home signal) in a wilderness of green…
Below: The same signal today.

Below: September 2008 and Bellerophon and Mary Margaret dominate the scene.
Below: Today. To the left is an alternative site for the engine shed.
Below: The same pairing, same location.
Below: A similar view today with just the headshunt left to resleeper and ballast. A new and substantial buffer stop will also be required. The museum’s accessible bus passes on the right.
Below: Bellerophon again – was it really a year ago?!
Below: The same piece of track. The platform would enable visitors to board and de-train here.
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