General Update
9th October 2009
For those who wait avidly for the next blog update I can only apologise for the long break in service – I have been away from the office so there is much to report but little time to report it in!
For various reasons there are no images today, so next week I will update things. However, a summary of progress reads as follows:
Coffee Pot No.1 – Ongoing work, steam test due soon.
We have agreed to purchase two Model T Fords (a van and a lorry), both in working order, for use on the museum site in place of the increasingly unreliable and generally awful replica vans.
We have reviewed this years events and have set dates for next years. Similar format to this year but possibly with a February steam weekend/working weekend to beat the winter blues… This should see Coffee Pot in action plus one other surprise guest engine!
The living van is nearly re-skinned, with attention being turned to the window frames. Painting will begin soon.
We are planning an informal ‘steam up’ probably for November 21st, with a variety of road steam in action around the site.
Halloween shortly – pre booked tickets and featuing ‘evil engines’!
Work to restore a Robinson saw bench has begun, Davy Sheen in charge.
The replica snowplough tub is underway at Bowes.
Dave Young continues to produce an amazing amount of work, the latest being the pattern for the ‘Steam Mule’ engine base.
I’m bound to have forgotten some things but will place more info and images on the site next week…
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