More on that storm…
Below: A regular flood spot, much to my annoyance as it brings so much mud to the area which is otherwise ashing up nicely. Again a victim of water coming of the hillside in the background. There is a large storm drain in this area but clearly it was unable to cope with the volume today.
Below: This is debris washed down from the car park and onto the tramway.
Below: The bottom of the pit heap and again victim of the downhill direction of the waters flow. New torrents were formed through the woods, their pace slowing as they reached this area.
Below: There is a pond in the middle of this lake!
My daughter was there on Tuesday, and loved it, that night she was so full of “Do you KNOW what it was like in the olden days?” etc, so sorry to see it’s all awash … one of the worst storms I have seen today. Good luck with the clean-up.