18th July 2009

On Saturday we attended the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Tyne & Wear Museum’s science and industry collections. We were asked to take Fiddler in order to provide a working presence at the Discovery Museum.

Below: Fiddler and the water cart are loaded aboard a E & N Ritchie low-loader by Vince Allan.

Below: Fiddler outside the Discovery Museum entrance.

Below: Michael and Mike (who volunteered to assist me – many thanks to them!) lurk around the engine. Later the rain came in the proverbial stair rods, prompting the wearing of some very interesting rainwear! A photo of this has been censored!!!

Below: The completed water cart, lettered and varnished.

Below: When we got back back in the evening Fiddler still had enough pressure to enable us to pose this view… The living van should be restored shortly and this will take its place in this scene, a genuine working roadmenders’ set at large around the museum.