T&I News 5 2024...

T&I News 5 2024…

There is lots to report this month.  It is also worth noting that we had to cancel the rest of Sir Berkeley’s steaming dates here,…

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T&I News 2 2024...

T&I News 2 2024…

I think it is fair to say that the blog is becoming more of a monthly newsletter now – and certainly for the T&I posts,…

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2023 - 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years...

2023 – 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years…

I realise that July is upon us and that I have not done the customary summary of 2022, let alone the look ahead to 2023…

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Dunrobin - summer 2023 update

Dunrobin – summer 2023 update

I’ve covered recent progress on Dunrobin’s restoration/overhaul in numerous posts, but being aware of the very specific interest in this locomotive, thought a summary of…

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Beamish Transport Online: Review of 2021...

Beamish Transport Online: Review of 2021…

As has become the annual tradition, I thought a review of the year was timely, and like 2020’s article, it has the inevitable cloud of…

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Beamish Transport Online - Review of 2019...

Beamish Transport Online – Review of 2019…

As has become something of a tradition, here is a review of the last 12 months (which make up a year that has absolutely flown…

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T&I News 17 2019...

T&I News 17 2019…

Not too much to report this week, so instead some pretty photographs will have to do!  There is news on Dunrobin, which is never far…

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T&I News 10 2019...

T&I News 10 2019…

I start this post with a reminder that the Great North Steam Fair starts tomorrow!  Four very full days of veteran road vehicles, trams, buses,…

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T&I News 18 2018

T&I News 18 2018

For this post we have an eclectic mix of projects from the workshops and out on site… Rowley Station Below: With the assistance of the…

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T&I News 15 2018...

T&I News 15 2018…

More updates on ongoing projects and maintenance this week… The RHEC is making headway on a number of fronts, some of which are smaller jobs…

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T&I News 8 2018...

T&I News 8 2018…

As a change from steam fair photographs, here are a couple of news items relating to Rowley Station and its future operational developments… Dunrobin Below:…

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T&I News 3 2018...

T&I News 3 2018…

Month 2 and post 3! I had promised more information on Dunrobin’s restoration – so here it is, along with some other snippets of news…

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T&I News 2 2018...

T&I News 2 2018…

Having promised to update the blog more frequently I find that I have failed to post more than once so far in 2018! Here we…

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T&I News 15 2017...

T&I News 15 2017…

Where are the weeks going?  I can’t believe it is late July now and the summer, so much anticipated, is now well underway (and raining!). …

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