T&I News 7 2024...

T&I News 7 2024…

Welcome to the latest blog post, which is something of a mixture of report and thought – as you’ll see below.  The workshops are busy,…

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T&I News 5 2024...

T&I News 5 2024…

There is lots to report this month.  It is also worth noting that we had to cancel the rest of Sir Berkeley’s steaming dates here,…

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T&I News 3 2024...

T&I News 3 2024…

The blog celebrates fifteen years of existence this month – which is rather hard to believe, looking back!  Some of the earlier posts were rather…

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T&I News 14 2023...

T&I News 14 2023…

We had a new item of rolling stock on test at Beamish last week, in the shape of a new-build Stockton & Darlington Railway chaldron…

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2023 - 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years...

2023 – 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years…

I realise that July is upon us and that I have not done the customary summary of 2022, let alone the look ahead to 2023…

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T&I News 12 2023...

T&I News 12 2023…

Firstly, an apology for the long gap since the last blog post – I’ve been away and also dealing with some family matters, so haven’t…

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T&I News 25 2022...

T&I News 25 2022…

Here is a short post, covering a few of the team’s activities as the half-term week reaches its conclusion and we look back at what…

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Darlington Corporation Bus Shelter Part 3

Darlington Corporation Bus Shelter Part 3

The restoration of the Darlington Corporation bus shelter took another important step forward with the arrival of the restored structure at Beamish last Friday. The…

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