T&I News 5 2024...

T&I News 5 2024…

There is lots to report this month.  It is also worth noting that we had to cancel the rest of Sir Berkeley’s steaming dates here,…

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Sir Berkeley Steaming dates...

Sir Berkeley Steaming dates…

There has been a great deal of interest in the visit of Manning Wardle No.1210 Sir Berkeley to Beamish, and having promised further steamings, here…

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T&I News 16 2023...

T&I News 16 2023…

For this post I thought we’d focus on the recent transport gala and the narrow gauge railway in particular, given that we presented both a…

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2023 - 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years...

2023 – 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years…

I realise that July is upon us and that I have not done the customary summary of 2022, let alone the look ahead to 2023…

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T&I News 12 2023...

T&I News 12 2023…

Firstly, an apology for the long gap since the last blog post – I’ve been away and also dealing with some family matters, so haven’t…

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T&I News 9 2023...

T&I News 9 2023…

This post covers quite a few aspects of the transport activity at the museum, as I haven’t posted for a little while and there is…

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T&I News 8 2023...

T&I News 8 2023…

I thought I’d better have a post to note the recent Steam Gala and Easter weekend – both of which were extremely busy for the…

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Beamish Transport Online: Review of 2021...

Beamish Transport Online: Review of 2021…

As has become the annual tradition, I thought a review of the year was timely, and like 2020’s article, it has the inevitable cloud of…

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Work widely seen, but whose creator is seldom known...

Work widely seen, but whose creator is seldom known…

There are usually, with most projects at the museum, a raft of talented craftspeople working on discreet elements of the final exhibit, bringing their own…

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