Steam Gala Test runs…
The day before our transport events usually sees various guest exhibits being inspected and tested, prior to their appearance on the busty event days. This also gives visitors who happen to be at the museum a chance to see some extra activity around and about the site.
Barclay 1219 was being steam tested and trialled on the chaldron waggons, whilst James West’s Aveling roller was also gathering some mileage around the site. Glyder and Coffee Pot were steamed to ensure they were warm for Saturday morning, and the waggons were positioned in readiness for the weekend on both railways.
Here are some views of these activities, and the atmospheric appearance of 1219 on the chaldrons (perhaps created by the cold and gloomy weather!). We also posed the two Barclays, on the two different gauges, just because it made for some interesting photos – both bearing the words ‘Caledonia Works’ on their works plates.
These are just iphone photos, so I am sure the various visiting photographers over the weekend will manage to get rather better shots than I did in the rain today!
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