T&I News 5 2024...

T&I News 5 2024…

There is lots to report this month.  It is also worth noting that we had to cancel the rest of Sir Berkeley’s steaming dates here,…

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Wheels of Industry 2024...

Wheels of Industry 2024…

Our first Wheels of Industry event has been and gone, with nearly 11,000 visitors over the two days, making it successful operationally and commercially.  Despite…

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T&I News 16 2023...

T&I News 16 2023…

For this post I thought we’d focus on the recent transport gala and the narrow gauge railway in particular, given that we presented both a…

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2023 - 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years...

2023 – 2026: Looking ahead to the next three years…

I realise that July is upon us and that I have not done the customary summary of 2022, let alone the look ahead to 2023…

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T&I News 12 2023...

T&I News 12 2023…

Firstly, an apology for the long gap since the last blog post – I’ve been away and also dealing with some family matters, so haven’t…

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T&I News 16 2022...

T&I News 16 2022…

For this post we take a look at a past-resident of the museum, one of the two repatriated Durham County Water Board locomotives that had…

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T&I News 10 2022...

T&I News 10 2022…

This post is a bit of a sweeping up of lose ends exercise, with various bits of news to report.  We also had updated figures…

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Beamish Transport Online: Review of 2021...

Beamish Transport Online: Review of 2021…

As has become the annual tradition, I thought a review of the year was timely, and like 2020’s article, it has the inevitable cloud of…

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T&I News 35 2021...

T&I News 35 2021…

The blog resumes following a short hibernation (as I was on paternity leave!) with an update covering the period I was off.  Matt kept notes…

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