Beamish Rural District Council is born!

Beamish Rural District Council is born!

13th July 2009

Phil Anderson, sign-writer, has been in today working on the steam roller and water cart in readiness for their appearance in Newcastle on Saturday. We needed a convincing form of wording for our road mending fleet (which will eventually extend to several vehicles and implements) and also wanted to include the word Beamish. I am not a fan of invented liveries and schemes, but I think Beamish Rural District Council (also shortened to Beamish R. D. C.) suits our purpose and is typical enough not to look incongruous.

Below: Phil at work applying the first coat of paint to. You can just see his chalk marking out to the right.

Below: The letters appear as if by magic! The flywheel is being repainted this week to remove the centre lining.

Below: The finished result. Working outside is preferable as the quality of light is so much better, but the ominous black clouds appearing as I write this is always a slight concern when wet paint is around!