News Roundup...

News Roundup…

7th June 2010

After a week away from work there are one or two things to catch up, so I’ll update the blog over the week to make it more interesting!

Below: Phil is well advanced on 31’s repaint, with most base colours applied and the first coats of top colour also making an appearance. Much thought and debate has gone on with this livery, to remedy some ‘variations’ that were applied at Blackpool when it was last repainted and also to ensure that a ‘fleet’ compatibility is maintained with Blackpool 40 and 143 in September!

Below: Meanwhile, whilst awaiting the moving and positioning of two lathes, a radial arm drill and a milling machine, Davy and Stuart have moved Rambler indoors for Stuart to commence a number of jobs, which include a new smokebox ring, painting the rolls and attention to the ashpan. The roller will return to action soon as it is becoming an important regular working attraction at Beamish!