Transport & Industry update – 20th December 2012
As the longest day (and end of the World…) loom, the team has been busy right across the site. Much of the work is routine maintenance or in support of the Christmas events (such as setting up lighting etc.) but it does also include developing the workshops, manufacturing spares for various vehicles and preparing for various projects after Christmas, such as the overhaul and repaint of the 1960s replica ‘General’ B-Type bus. The plan is that this will appear in a contemporary local livery when completed…
Visitors to Beamish will also be interested to see that a new Magazine, produced for the Museum to very high standards, will shortly be available. This replaces the magazine previously published by the Friends, though includes their content. It will be available from the shop and is well worth getting hold of for those interested in the Museum, its activities, plans and restoration activities.
Below: A short gallery showing some cosmetic works in the Pit Yard carried out by Darren and Mark to spread a pile of colliery waste in the most authentic way possible. This work has also seen the track on the inclined tub-way improved and the area equally covered in waste. In due course the whole area should become much blacker, with much less greenery, but such work takes time and is done in the face of ever present weed growth, exacerbated by the abundant rainfall as ‘enjoyed’ this season.
Think you have got your days mixed up. 21st December is the shortest day. Keep up the great work