Commer Van Repaint Completed…
Michael Goldsmith, our Electrician, is pleased… ‘His’ van, the 1933 Commer, has been repainted and now wears his name and role. The previous drab green has been replaced with a colour scheme that Phil Anderson (who carried out the work) found in an old reference book for coach painting and signwriting commercial vehicles. Its suggestion of a two-tone scheme, with a vertical separation, has worked very well, and wishing to put an ‘owner’ on the side, we used the vehicles regular driver as the basis for a livery that will suit the 1950s area very well and leaves nobody in any doubt as to who is driving and what they do!
Below: With varnish still hardening, the Commer is seen being handed back to (a very pleased looking!) Michael this morning – it will be a regular site once again and very much an eye-catcher.
We are having work carried out on the Morris Commercial flatbed at the moment and the Bedford Ambulance is being repainted into a more sympathetic livery, to avoid confusion in its use on site (it will be used by the team who administer to most first aid calls, and as we often have need of the ambulance service, it was felt it best not to confuse the matter nor anyone who may be in need of the services of those who use these vehicles). After these vehicles are attended to, the Ford T’s will be overhauled in the Town Garage and the Ford Thames is badly in need of some work, not least removal of the previous owner’s advertising livery.
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