9th September 2009
A couple of views of today’s activities, principally unloading and loading lorries! Any event has a long hangover and we are still packing up the Great North Steam Fair. For instance, the Sentinel steam bus is still here pending its appearance at the Tanfield Gala – it will be steaming there on Friday for anyone in the vicinity!
Below: The NER demo line’s loading/unloading area with Dave Antell preparing to move a 21T hopper wagon.
Below: The 21T hopper in question, being shunted by our long suffering Ruston 88DS shunter.
Below: We have acquired this interesting piece of equipment. It is a car elevator and appears to be of some vintage! It is planned that the Friends will restore this and the SHEW car will be displayed on it (to reveal its interesting articulated chassis) in the town garage. The cast parts reveal that it is an Adams Patent Car Elevator (of Tunbridge Wells). I’d be interested to hear from anyone who could shed any more light on these contraptions?
Below: A view of Dave’s full rig, complete with full compliment of ‘equipment’. This outfit has been a regular feature of Beamish moves in recent years. By coincidence, Dave’s brother John is also in the area, delivering the two visiting Bagnall steam engines for the Tanfield Gala – more of this in due course I expect!
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