Portable News
For some time Beamish has been pursuing the idea of purchasing a portable engine (or two!) for use on the site, principally at Home Farm. This has now developed further and after the success of running Dave Antell’s Robey portable (see two pics below), we have now demonstrated the use of these engines in providing both a working exhibit but also producing timber for the museum’s needs – both as fuel and for fencing etc.
Below: Dave Antell’s Robey at work at Home Farm. This engine will be working all four days of the forthcoming agricultural show for those who wish to see it in action!
Below: This is Ruston Proctor Mk ‘L’ Class 320 7.5HP portable No.47319 which has been purchased by Beamish for use at the Museum. It was supplied in 1913 to agents Saavedra, Bernard & Co. in South America. It was eventually repatriated by Tuxfords amongst the large number of portables brought back from that continent in recent years. It’s principal advantage is that it is a wood burner, and whilst requiring extensive restoration, it will fit Beamish’s plan to better use its woodland resources (over 12o acres!) in fuelling and supplying the museum’s needs in coming years.
Below: The Ruston arrives at Beamish today aboard Dave Antell’s low-loader.
Below: Safely ensconced in the museum development store. It will now be assessed for restoration and some missing parts located.
Below: Inspiration! A local steam powered saw mill…
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