Forcett Coach – November update
Here are some views from Stanegate Restorations & Replicas showing work progressing on the Forcett Coach. The wood grain effect is being applied (Scumbling – see previous blog postings re this effect on No.18) which in turn is enabling some of the panels to be assembled onto the frame. It would be safe to say that the project is still some way off completion, but it might make an appearance at the GNFoT in April 2013, subject to completion and delivery. It will still require fitting of air braking, in an entirely reversible manner, before operation at the Waggonway. This work was programmed for completion in the Regional Heritage Engineering Centre, but having now lost its space in the queue the Forcett coach will probably follow the Duke of Sutherland’s coach which will hopefully enter the works next spring. As for the works themselves, the floors are currently being painted and it is hoped to complete installation of wiring this side of Christmas enabling the final fit out to take place and the first projects to be moved in.
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