Chaldron Restoration - 1

Chaldron Restoration – 1

18th April 2010

Work on the restoration of the chaldron waggons has commenced. As was described in earlier posts, we have received financial support from the PRISM fund, AIA and Ken Hoole Trust to record the Londonderry waggons, restore two and overhaul four from our collection. Alan Milburn has been contracted to carry out the physical work, whilst Dave Potter (Bromstead Services) will carry out the full survey and production of CAD drawings. I have carried out the research and compiled a gazetteer and typology. A 7mm scale model is also in development. The goal is to have a ‘chaldron fest’ (!) at the Great North Steam Fair in September.

Alan is going to carry out the restoration in the colliery engine shed, and has started dismantling the first of the waggons, No.1219 as seen below…

Progress on the project will be recorded on the blog as usual.

Below: A sequence of photographs showing 1219 being dismantled.