Other transport stuff!

Other transport stuff!

11th June 2010

A random selection of stuff here…

Below: Some readers of the other Beamish web content (Facebook, Twitter etc. – have a look, they have some interesting stuff on!) may have heard we have sponsored a local bus route, the No.28, which runs from Newcastle past (and now into) the museum. The local routes all have names, and ours is ‘The Waggonway’. I think there are five buses (there are certainly more than two as I’ve seen three at once!) in this very smart livery, the red being (technically) the shade applied to our Sunderland Tram No.16. Here is a photo of the No.28 in Chester le Street earlier today.

Below: Phil Anderson has almost completed painting Blackpool 31, with the lining to follow – it looks stunning! Here is a quick shot of the newly topcoated dash panel.

Below: One of the original panels has provided much colour information, and details of the scumble and lining – here it is with various liveries evident.

Below: Gordon Mewes has finished painting the refurbished decking of the gallopers and has now turned his brush to the organ truck. We should have the refurbished centre engine and truck back at Beamish later this month and groundworks for the fairground will start imminently…