Centre engine and truck return!

Centre engine and truck return!

19th July 2010

This morning Ian and Edward Howard delivered the centre truck from the gallopers, complete with newly rebuilt centre engine. The work has included a new boiler and extensive mechanical overhaul, as well as a new makers plate (see below) – the original having been polished blank! The temptation for a test steaming was too much and by lunchtime Stuart had a fire in the box and a few hours later we were able to see the engine in action for the first time in over half a century…

Below: The new makers plate, replacing the old which had been polished smooth!

Below: A view of the motion and the restored organ engine. We think there are only half a dozen working engines in the country, though would be happy to be corrected…

Below: An overall view of the engine, with the blue ladders serving as temporary access to the footplate.

Below: A short film of both centre engine and organ engine (fed from the same boiler) running: