Y7 Arrives!

Y7 Arrives!

25th February 2011
Yesterday the long anticipated arrival of the Y7 from the North Norfolk Railway, freshly overhauled and newly painted. Dave Antell moved the engine and it was swiftly unloaded (slightly awkwardly to ensure it faces east), the trailer made up and Coffee Pot moved in to carry out the transfer of the engine to the RMS shed. The trailer was reset, the other way round then Coffee Pot was loaded. A lot of mud caused some lengthy difficulty in reattaching the tractor unit to the trailer, but by dark this was accomplished and this morning Coffee Pot was back at the Colliery – but that’s another post…
Below: The Y7 aboard the trailer…
Below: … touchdown! Onto Beamish metals.

Below: Later on the engine is seen placed inside the RMS, the culmination of a massive days shunting!