General T&I News Update...

General T&I News Update…

There are a variety of things to report this week, presenting an eclectic mix of news!

Below: The Green Watch from Handenhold Fire Station, our local cover, popped in for a photo session early in the week, requesting our former Bishop Auckland Shand Mason appliance for comparison – here the team and appliances pose for the camera in the Town Street.


Below: Tony and Matt spent a tricky few hours assembling the Distemper Men advertising signs – always a popular feature at the station and something we receive quite a few letters and e-mails about.  They are now back in situ after rebuilding by the volunteer team – they were blown down some time ago and so have also been strengthened to hopefully prevent this happening again.

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Below: As part of a new display in the Colliery area (for more on this, watch this space), this kibble has been extracted and sent away for repair by Andy Basnett.  Kibbles were used for shaft sinking, being the main means by which spoil was removed and materials (and men!) send down the increasingly deep mine shafts, prior to installation of the winding gear, cages etc.


Below: The box chaldron chassis is now more or less complete.  The door straps are being fitted, but doors will not be, to prevent water and other debris that can collect in these waggons.


Below: Andy Basnett delivered the handrails and rear footplate support ties for Samson, seen here.


Below: Meanwhile, Dave has been progressing the complex (look at the clamping!) task of machining the crankshaft pedestals for Samson.  This weekend he will tackle the bearing brasses, the bearing caps already being complete.  There are therefore thoughts of a trial fit of these components onto the boiler shell next week…
