News from Beamish Telecom
Thanks to some help from BT (the real one!) our project to increase the use of the museums Strowger exchange is making good progress. BT operate a program which allows all of their staff to spend several days per year volunteering for charities and good causes. Several members of BT Openreach team have chosen Beamish as their chosen charity for this year. Thanks to the hard work of Andy and Colin, pictured below, our two 20 pair cables are now both operating on all lines. this part of the project has been key to the distribution of lines around the site. Initially it was feared that the old cable may be beyond repair, however, Andy and Colin have resurrected the cable.

Digging to expose one of the damaged cables, thankfully the wonders of modern technology meant they knew precisely the spot to dig (Thanks to Les Brunton for the photograph)
We have also had a excellent response from former BT staff, with the necessary Strowger experience, to come and help maintain the exchange. now we have the main cables up and running and the people to maintain the exchange we can start planning new lines into exhibits around the museum site.
If there is anyone out there with a passion for restoring old telephone sets they would be a welcome addition to the team. We have boxes of telephones, dating from 1900 to 1980 many of which are in need of some tender loving care.
Great story – as a BT employeed am proud of my colleagues and my companys involvement.
Good Luck for the future.
Excellent news, another subject worthy of preservation, but something few visitors will notice or appreciate.
Have you contact Ian Jolly from Mold (flintshire) who is an avid collector and enthusiast of telephone exchanges – he may be able to offer some assistance (he also collects railway engines amongst other things).
Hi, We certainly have been in touch with Mr Jolly and are now starting to build good links with other enthusiasts, but more are always welcome. Ian has offered us help and advice for our project which will be very useful.
Many thanks for getting in touch.
Ian Jolly is a Life Member of the NGRS but has failed to reply to correspondence – is he still alive?
Hi, The last email we had from him was late January this year.
Sorry I cant help further.
Looks like the NGRS have ‘killed me off’ again !! The rumours are not true!
Good to hear!