T&I News 1 2021...

T&I News 1 2021…

Happy new year and welcome to Beamish Transport Online! As readers will no doubt realised, news is a little thin on the ground at the moment as we remain closed under the restrictions imposed by the current national lockdown. We remain functioning however, with a few staff active on essential animal welfare and maintenance matters. The Senior Leadership Team remains active and working on options for the season ahead, whenever that may start (and in whatever form we will be able to open).

The highlight of recent weeks has been the snow! So this post, as well as saying welcome to the blog, is essentially a gallery of a largely sleeping museum blanketed in snow.

Above: As an interesting aside, the letterbox that sits to the south east of the Town (High Street) is a listed structure! Read more here:
Above: Every time it snows, I am reminded of how much I would like to try out our replica narrow gauge snowplough! This is based on a single photo plus the remaining iron plough blade used on the narrow gauge tramway at Boltsburn (Rookhope) and propelled by R. W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co 0-4-0ST No.2 – known as Little Nut. Read more here:
There are some modifications to make to the replica, as it has never run satisfactorily without derailing. Some exploration of the cause of this is required, though a working hypothesis was developed some time ago. It just awaits a slot in the workshop programme in order to carry out this work.

Below: A gallery of images taken this afternoon during a site inspection of the museum grounds.