10th March 2008I paid a quick visit to Bowes today to talk to Derek Young who is building the roadmenders hut. This is a terrific…

9th March 2008We’ve just completed our first full operating weekend on the revived colliery railway. It’s a bit short at present but over the next…

1st March 2009On the way South, I called in at Sumerlee Heritage Centre at Coatbridge, half an hour East of Glasgow. Reopened in 2008 after…

28th February 2009Two museums in one day, and both free! Starting with the recently refurbished (at the cost of £27.9million!!!) Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, followed…

27th February 2009Today, first port of call during a dash around southern Scotland, was the Scottish Mining Museum at the former Lady Victoria Colliery in…

19th February 2009 The Scheme returned today to assist in relocating some items from the Robert Stephenson Trusts vacating premises on South Street, Newcastle. Whilst…

February 2nd 2009 What a difference a day can make! As I write these notes, the site has been closed due to heavy snow, which…

Transport Blog 2009 Firstly, Happy New Year to all those following this blog, and welcome to any new readers. Well, here’s to a new year…

Hello and welcome to a new Blog detailing, in an informal and random sort of way, the activities associated with the transport collections at Beamish….

Welcome to this new Blog, which will chart the restoration to steam of what has become affectionately nicknamed ‘The Coffee Pot’. Thanks to substantial HLF…
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