News roundup

News roundup

26th January 2011
A quick foray around the site with what’s been happening over this week and late last week…
Below: The contractors are all but finished on the structure of the new store. The concrete floor is to be fitted next and then the rest of the move can take place. It looks big now, but I can guarantee that by the end of March we will wonder how we ever managed without it! And it will be full. Very full!!!
Below: The railway section of the RMS has received the concrete floor and shelving to enable further storage in this underutilised space. Of course we now have to house a Y7, Dunrobin and coach plus the FRT’s coach so it will be juggling act until the new engine shed is built behind the town.

Below: The Friends continue to work on various projects, here the side tipper bearing pedestals are liberated. The wheels will require a lot of work and this will be contracted out this spring.

Below:In this view the street sweeper can be seen (probably better now than when it was made!) and also a cycle rack (to the right) which will be used for staff cycles of various periods to discourage use of modern vehicles on site.

Below: One of two trolleys for the engine works, being rebuilt. These are incredibly useful vehicles and show the value of the Friend’s work in that they can produce items that support other projects at the Museum.
Below: Coffee Pot in steam – steam chest cover off, regulator blowing slightly and Stuart setting the valves.

Below: Attending to the driver’s side valve – this is the only effective way to accurately set the valves, allowing for the expansion caused by the engine being hot. The new chimney damper (thanks Dave!) seemed to work pretty well, though has yet to be tried in regular operating conditions.

Below: A quick chuff up the yard in gorgeous afternoon sunshine.