Removing Coffee Pot's Slide Valves

Removing Coffee Pot’s Slide Valves

11th January 2011
In a sort of Haynes Manual style, here is a sequence of photos showing Dave Young and I removing Coffee Pot’s slide valves – taking a side each rather like a very slow pit stop!
The valves are to be replaced with slightly longer versions, these having been made as copies of those that were fitted (but worn). As neither Dave or I had seen the engine steam before this restoration, we weren’t too know that it was somewhat off beat. Stuart Hines identified a ‘short valve’ so Dave has modified his patterns and had new ones cast. In order to take some measurements we removed the valve chest covers, then kept going, as you can see here…
Below: Cover removed and looking into the valve chest. The valves can be adjusted on the valve rod, using the lock nuts, enabling Stuart to get Coffee Pot to sound rather better in one direction – going the other was rather off-beat to say the least!
Below: Remember this? The right hand valve, as seen two years ago on this blog when it was put in!

Below: A view of the empty chest – all sort of explains itself from these photos doesn’t it?!

Below: The crazy tangle of motion as a result of dismantling to drop the valve rod – we think we can remember how to put it back together! Joking aside, photos appeared when it was assembled and the link rods were discovered to be different lengths – see the blog archive for March 2010 and photos of Vince Allen correcting them…