101 - lining applied

101 – lining applied

28th August 2011

Below: Work continues into the small hours to ensure 101 makes its best impression at PftP this coming week! Repairs to two damaged side panels have also been completed, seen in white filler/primer, and these have been painted tonight. Most of the black lining has been masked and applied, though some areas will have to be completed later.

Below: Even my fiance has been drafted in to assist with the work! Sarah is seen applying the black lining to the masked panels. We have a few more hours of work to complete this stage of the work, but the difference is already quite marked and certainly renders the livery far more ‘complete’. The next cosmetic item on the agenda is a set of four diamonds complete with crests. Something to do after the event is over however…

As previously reported 101 will not make it into public service, but will be displayed with 31 (whose motor will not be returned in time) on the depot fan. 31 now has ‘Circular Tour’ headboards made and fitted. Both cars will appear in the Saturday evening tram procession for photographers however.