National Tramway Museum

National Tramway Museum

21st October 2011

Whilst in the area (visiting Alton Engineering) I called in at the National Tramway Museum at nearby Crich. Two trams were operating as the museum winds down for its winter closures and maintenance work.

Below: Leeds 399 seen in the glorious autumn sunshine. Incidentally, this tram, restored in 1990, was in operation the day I first became a member at Crich (of the Tramway Museum Society) – 21 years ago! I still regard this tram as a relatively recent restoration – how time passes…

Below: The second tram in service was Glasgow 22, which I think I have seen on almost every occasion I have visited, reflecting its high milaeage and operational suitability – a reminder of how Beamish’s own Sheffield 264 (also an open balcony car) will be welcomed back by the operating department in due course.

Below: The two trams pass.

Below: Autumnal colours are much in evidence in this view down the street.

Below: I called into the workshop which contained the glorious and nearly completed LUT 159 (right) and Cardiff 131, the works car which visited Beamish in 2010.

Below: Here are few more scenes around the tramway at Crich.