One repaint begins as others reach completion...

One repaint begins as others reach completion…

The forthcoming Power from the Past event is now coming together with some really exciting exhibits booked.  More on these will appear shortly, displayed in a flickr page to the right of this one, in the now usual way.  The event will certainly have a smell of new paint as a theme, with the Hodbarrow tipper, No.18, Oporto 196 and Gateshead 10 (as G&I 26) all currently being painted ready for the occasion!
Below: Work has started on 10’s metamorphosis into Grimsby & Immingham No.26 – remember you can support this via the JustGiving page to the right of this one.  This is going to be a near Olympic feat, but we will all be working to see 10 in the much requested BR green livery in time for the 30th August…

Below: Here is a sneak preview of No.18 inside its tent in the Colliery Engine Works.  I’ve now completed the black lining (since the photo was taken) and the engine has now been varnished.  The cab is complete and early next week the white lining will be added before final varnishing.  There are numerous other jobs to complete, but once the varnish has hardened we can allow it to get dirty – through steam testing…

Below: I added this photo because I liked it!  Taken the other evening and showing Newcastle in the Colliery yard with winding house and screens behind.  The weeds have shot up in this wet and warm weather, but on this industrial line they rather add to the effect.