Sheds galore…
In some appalling weather conditions, Darren and Mark have been hard at work on a number of construction sites. Assisted by Keith, who normally has the unsung task of quarrying our large reserves of building materials and palleting these for future use, they have been concentrating on the creation of the new engine shed foundations and trackwork. They have also progressed the route of the narrow gauge line, as seen in other posts (itself a task fraught with difficulties) and as a side project, they have created the base for a stone narrow gauge engine shed for Samson, which features (most importantly!) a pit. I have a deep fondness for the narrow gauge shed (formerly stable block) at Chadwick Nick on the route of the former Crich Mineral Tramway – though located in Derbyshire it is of suspiciously north east style – perhaps a result of George Stephenson being the tramway’s engineer – he was very active (and resident) in that part of Derbyshire at the time.
Below: The concrete plinth for the new narrow gauge shed. The depth is deliberate and forms the base of the pit – it being easier to build upwards than down! The first three feet will be in high compression block, though this will all be hidden in the final build. The walls will be stone, with a brick lean-to and all of the materials are being recovered from the stores at Beamish, with this very much a fill-in job for the team to fall back on in between other projects.
Below: In gale force winds, hail and sleet, the trackwork for the new engine shed is installed. Note the third rail, to enable two foot gauge stock to be placed inside if need be. This only extends for a short distance outside the building, to allow for loading/unloading.
Below: An overall view of the site. The building itself us under construction and will be a traditional corrugated iron clad building, with the lower walls in brick, again from old stock. The result should look rather nice, very industrial and also give us all important undercover space. It is planned to include public access to this building.
Looking good, is the plan still to take a run from these new tracks across the yard and over to the outside of the existing shed. looks like I have taken my last pictures of stone crushing and wood cutting demonstrations in that area.
Not a complaint, never do complain about your place, its never let me down on a vist yet.