RHEC and T&I Update Mid May 2014…
As usual, here is the usual round-up of news from the Transport side of things around the Museum. More to follow next week…
Below: Some nice coverage of Locomotion No.1’s visit to the Tanfield Railway here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2625614/Working-replica-passenger-train-travelling-one-worlds-oldest-railways-County-Durham.html and a selection of photographs taken by Dave Hewitt below (from the Tanfield Railway Blog, with thanks to this site and also Dave Hewitt)
Below: Tony decided the best method to repair the Molly Croft roof on the living van was to remove the whole thing and replace the rails (top and bottom) as well as uprights. The remains are seen here as a pattern, as well as one of the projecting windows (all of which need replacing or almost total reconstruction, likewise the window frames).
Below: Matt at work, note the removed roof to the right – light enough to be handled by two people.
Below: A view from above, showing the rather unusual aspect of the van sans its lid! As can be seen, the planking of the roof, both top and sides, is in good condition. Work has also started on preparing the van for repainting, as we would like to see work completed by July, when it will be placed at the Fairground for use by the staff there – an ambitious target but one I am sure the team will rise to!
Below: As and when time and opportunity allows, Darren and Mark are progressing the installation of a right hand turnout in the Colliery adjacent to the coaling stage. This will provide access across the yard to the new engine shed as well as a siding alongside the existing one (and I am wondering if the wagon turntable we have might fit in here somewhere too…). It will be a long and phased job as it is not a priority, but the aim is to install this turnout to enable continued operation of the existing railway.
Below: Two turnouts are available, recovered from the Waggonway where they led to a never used loop at the far end of the line there. Here the right hand turnout is seen laid out ready for installation. Some rail was left in situ at the Waggonway, but can be made up from rail removed to fit this turnout into the siding to the shed here. We are about to start a major programme of work to the visitor car park to increase capacity there, as well as carry out some other heavy earthworks around the site (including enabling work for the narrow gauge line’s next extension) so there will be little progress to report here for a while yet…
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