T&I News Update Week 25 2014...

T&I News Update Week 25 2014…

As we rapidly approach the mid-year point, here are some photographs of just two of the activities we in the T&I team have been busy with over the last few days…

John Howe

John Howe, the little Barclay 0-4-0ST which we have on hire, had its first day in service today, and whilst tired, it is a very free steaming little locomotive and immediately endeared itself to the crew.  After a clean it was photographed as seen below, basking in the hot sunshine which we enjoyed throughout the day.

Below: Here is a selection of photographs of the loco around Rowley Station during its days work.  It is very small alongside the coach!

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Below: A new view, taken from the coaling stage walls in the late afternoon sunshine complete with a very nice backdrop as John Howe returns to the shed at the end of the shift.

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Roadside chaldron installed

After some delay while we waited for the surrounding ground to be baked super-hard, we were able to install the roadside chaldron the A693 as motorists approach the Museum roundabout.  This was accomplished by a Hiab from Websters plus a certain amount of brute force to secure the anchor pins by Tony and his apprentice Matt.  These photos show the before, during and after…

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