Archive transport views of Newcastle City Centre…
Julian is currently working through a large collection of prints that were donated some years ago. Such is the volume of photographic material that we have, it can take years to process images, and these gems are just a fraction of a superb selection of photographs that are currently being worked on.
Below: This is a stunning photo, revealing as it does a horse tram of the same design as our own N&G 49. It has not proved possible to read the number (on the waist panel below the side windows) but squinting suggests the first number is a ‘4’ – so it would tie in as being in the same batch as 49, if it isn’t 49. Of note are the adverts, and lack of them on the decency panels, the route boards (Osbourne Road to Central Station) and the smaller detail route boards across the windows. The photo is captioned as ‘taken 35 yeas ago at the bottom of Northumberland Street’ (from which the tram is turning)- not sure when 35 years ago was, but it must be pre 1901 when the electric trams took over. To get your bearings, the Laing Gallery is visible in the distance looking straight along the New Bridge Street.
Below: Another horse tram captured slightly behind the photograph above, proceeding along Blackett Street towards Northumberland Street from Grey’s Monument on a service to Byker. This tram is of a different though similar design – note the syle of windows and lack of smaller quarterlights at the top of each.
Below: A familiar landmark – the Hancock Museum, now Great North Museum near Haymarket (where there was also a horse tram depot).
Below: This appears to be a taxi rank and shelter. It seems to be in use as a rallying point for an election, though note the indifference of the passers by – and that they are captured walking but have not blurred.
Below: Finally a later view, from Tony Fox’s collection and which recently came to light, showing Byker Depot in the early years of electric traction. Note the shade/colour of the waist panels… For more on this see the articles on Newcastle 114 and the early NCT livery.
Could the hackney carriage office be at the haymarket with northumberland street I n the forground with percy street at the rear, great set of pictures lets have some more.
Great looking images.