Leyland Cub Restoration Latest…
The restoration of the Leyland Cub reached a significant stage last week when the new ramp was trial fitted, linking this restoration with the bus’ new role as an accessible vehicle for the first time. Some photos follow of last weeks progress…
Below: The cant rail (at the top of the side pillars) and waist rails are now made and are seen being trial fitted.
Below: The ramp is seen being test fitted, mounted directly onto the chassis members to enable it to sit as low as possible, with the rear of the interior featuring a graduated slope to floor level. This extends the ramp from the three metres length externally and allows as shallow a gradient as we can possibly achieve for access to the rear of the Cub.
Below: The new front chassis member is complete and fitted, seen here in primer.
Below: A spare engine has been obtained and is being stripped for examination. It is complete with many of the items we were missing, so is a very fortuitous acquisition for the project.
Below: Refurbished gearbox bits, bushed bits and new bits are seen in the following photos. As progress is so rapid at the moment there will no doubt be further reports on this project in coming weeks!
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