A bridge too far…
Over the years there are often reoccurring letters and e-mails regarding certain regional features that Beamish might consider saving. A few years ago there was some correspondence regarding a bridge on the Esk Valley Line into Whitby, where a bridge built by Head Ashby was in situ and out of use. With improvements to the line’s infrastructure on-going, a watching brief was kept on this structure until recently we had the call that it would be removed and Network Rail would donate it to the Museum.
Why the interest? Well, it dates from 1863 and Head Ashby is the predecessor of Head Wrightson – who later built our Coffee Pot No.1 and No.17 locomotives on Teesside. There is therefore great regional interest. The design of the bridge is very attractive, with slender cast handrails bolted to the two main bridge beams, complete with cast-in makers lettering. It was therefore considered important to save and would ultimately make an attractive and historic feature at the Museum (perhaps with the Coffee Pot’s stood beneath it to help christen it with smoke?!). This was a case of ‘rescue it when it became available’ and whilst it was agreed to collect it if it became available some years back, the time for its release has only now come and it now resides at Beamish pending eventual repair and inclusion in a new structure…
Below: Bridge MBW/2 61 in position at Danby. Note that it had not carried a deck for some time, the adjacent bridge being the running line. Photo c/o John Reay
Below: A close up of its parentage, it being noted on Network Rail’s register as built in 1863. Photo c/o John Reay
Below: The two girders and two handrail sections after unloading at Beamish.
There is no immediate plan for the bridge at Beamish, though a number of ideas spring to mind. One option is perhaps to use it to create improved wheelchair/buggy access to Rowley Station. Obviously the role of the bridge pieces saved would be largely cosmetic, but it would create a very impressive feature and is a remarkable survivor. We are very grateful to Network Rail for donating it to Beamish and all of those involved in removing it and moving it to Beamish.
How about using it to face a bidge over/under the tram line to extend the railway to the colliery?
hopefully mr jarman will take the idea up 🙂 as that sounds like a fab idea 😀
Wow Wouldn’t that be something , the Railway extended to the Colliery , , as at the moment once the trains leave Rowley Station they are out of sight behind the Town , so those wonderful locomotives are hidden from view, but I’m afraid Paul , that will be a bridge too far, but a wonderful bridge , with lots of history that should have a prominent position to show it off somewhere in Beamish.
Some nice ideas re extensions to the railway – 11 years ago when I had my interview here I had prepared drawings for just such a scheme. However, the passing years have convinced me of the desirability of keeping the various railways physically separate so that they can each operate on their own principles i.e. one-engine-in-steam at Rowley. There is a hope to extend the passenger line, but on a new formation alongside the tramway then sweeping north east before arriving adjacent to the tramway shelter at Pockerley – but this is no more than a pipe dream on the ‘wish list’ of things we could do. To cross the tramway would mean a significant climb and vice versa would rather upset the road arrangement. Flat crossings are a no no too. So its a nice idea but probably never likely to be a runner, but there are plenty of other ideas we are working away on to bring to fruition…!!! Paul