T&I News 15 2023…
Another lengthy break in blog posts, due to having taken some unplanned leave. But work has continued on various fronts, and plans/arrangements remain underway for both this September’s event, but also the 2024 transport events programme too – for which something of a refresh is being considered. There are the usual irons in fires for other projects too, and there should be plenty to report as we head into the autumn. But for now, here is some information on the two visiting locomotives attending the gala event next month…
Steam Gala Visitors confirmed
Below: We are now in the happy position to confirm the two visiting railway locomotives for this September’s transport gala (9/10th). First up we have a returning guest, in the shape of Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0WT No.1238. It first visited us for the Great War Steam Fair in April 2016, and is now in the final stages of its current boiler ticket, and so making a number of guest appearances at railways around the country. It is appearing courtesy of the Moseley Railway Trust, and is usually based at the Apedale Valley Railway in Stoke-on-Trent. You can read more about it’s eventful history here: https://avlr.org.uk/moseley-railway-trust/fleet-list/steam-locomotives/s6-hudswell-clarke-1238-of-1916
Below: A reminder of 104 at work during the 2016 event. Photo courtesy of Dave Hewitt
Below: The second visitor confirmed for the event is another familiar locomotive to the museum (and region), but one that has not steamed here previously. Ogwen is owned by Martyn Ashworth and is appearing courtesy of him at our event. It has strong local connections and it is very pleasing to welcome it back, in steam. It was, of course, shed-mate in Weardale, Penrhyn and Indiana, to Glyder, so the pair will appear together for the first time, in steam, at this event – enabling us to recreate the 2012 – 2014 scenes of the pair, as they were displayed at Beamish together.
Below: A reminder of Ogwen’s arrival in May 2012, fresh from its shipping container, and long sojourn in the USA. You can read more about this here:
Gateshead 10
Below: With the machine shop out of action whilst the facilities are upgraded and the machines modified, work on Gateshead 10 has been largely restricted to the paintwork, which is now very nearly complete. Off-site, the new resistances are being manufactured, so whilst progress has been slow lately, for very many reasons, it hasn’t come to a halt altogether.
Below: The second bogie has been placed onto the working stands now, in readiness for the various items of brake gear to be assembled onto the pair.
Cover photo courtesy of Matthew Simpson, depicting the Northern Echo and Darlington theme that is developing at Beamish.
Hi paul,
I seen on a drone video of a flat wagon with an object behind the town, Could you shed some light on it please? as I’m a bit intrigued by it, as I saw it on facebook from 1990 as well so want some more info on it please?
Many thanks
Hi Rob. It is an flat wagon previously on loan to Hartlepool Museums, for display at the docks there. It was recently returned to us, complete with a buoy that was mounted on the deck. It is in poor condition and we are likely to offer it for disposal in due course as it doesn’t form any part of the collection plans for the museum itself. I am planning to cover it in a future blog post – but also saw some drone footage that someone had taken showing non-public areas of the museum.
Best wishes