Railway News

1st April 2011

Due to over-running track works, this weekends anticipated debut on the Rowley passenger train has been postponed until the following weekend. The Y7 may be steamed over the weekend but until work is completed on a small number of jobs, it was felt better to allow full access to the track team in order to complete their task.
The railway will be running from the following weekend, and over all four days of the GNSF and each weekend thereafter.
Further to other news reported previously, Sunderland 101 will not be operating at the GNSF. The workshop commitment to 114’s overhaul and the need for some roof access via scaffolding means that the tram will not be commissioned in time. It is not felt worth rushing this job so as ever watch this blog for latest news and developments…
One piece of good news is that Dunrobin has a potential shipping date in very early May. We are preparing various plans relating to this and more will be announced on this blog next week.