Forcett Coach Restoration progresses - delivery expected in a matter of weeks...

Forcett Coach Restoration progresses – delivery expected in a matter of weeks…

The restoration work being carried out on the Forcett Coach by Stanegate Restorations & Replicas is rapidly drawing to a close with the coach due to arrive at Beamish in time for display at the Great North Steam Fair in April.  As the photographs below show, the restoration on the body and underframe has been completed to a very high standard, with the finish being scumbled to give a wood-effect (as originally carried by S&DR) coaches.  Once back at Beamish the coach will be placed on display, initially at Rowley, then the Waggonway whilst it awaits a slot in the workshops for mechanical attention and fitting of air brakes.  Full restoration sequence photographs can be found on Stanegate’s website at

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