On narrow lines…
We have a narrow gauge theme to this post…
Below: Andy Martin visited us during the Power from the Past event, taking some stunning wet plate images of the proceedings in the Colliery. We have seen his work on this site before, as Andy was developing this forgotten technique whilst working at the Museum. You may remember the work on photographing Newcastle 114 as an experiment in interpreting black and white imagery of archive views. You can see more of these views, Andy’s techniques and many more galleries of this stunning process here: http://silversunbeam.co.uk/the-process/
For those familiar with the Bleasdale photographs of the Ffestiniog Railway in 1887 you will recognise the style and atmosphere in these views, Bleasdale’s images forming the basis of the famous ‘Spooner Album’ which has been reprinted in recent years by Roy Link Publishing. Thanks to Andy for allowing me to include these views on the blog.
Below: Four more waggons from the Ffestiniog Welsh Highland Railway arrived this morning, a back load for items returning to North Wales. These include three more granite waggons plus one side tipper, enabling a decent rake of waggons to be overhauled for use on our railway, of a scale in keeping with the current motive power. Skips are very nice, but tend to be rather overwhelmed by engines such as Edward Sholto!
Below: Finally we see the completed and ballasted narrow gauge track which was very useful during the recent event. Does anybody want to sponsor a panel of track or a turnout?! We need to purchase additional rail, prepare sleepers and buy clips, screws and fishplates. Likewise we need at least two turnouts to progress the planned layout, but more would be better. If anyone does fancy helping out, do get in touch…!!!
You say that the skip wagons are overwhelmed by the locos. would it not be possible to build bodies similar to the granite wagons and put them on the skip wagon under frames?