Great North Steam Fair
I’m sure blog readers will be interested to see what is happening with the Great North Steam Fair this weekend – it would be fair to say it has been extremely busy with a superb turnout of exhibits. The weather has largely cooperated so far too! More images appear on the Museum’s Facebook page, so please refer to that for latest updates etc. However, here are a very few snapshots taken during Thursday/Friday but only showing static vehicles and not the lengthy lines of traffic that are circumnavigating the site!
I will add some galleries of images once the event has finished, as there are several photographers out busily recording the event far better than I can on my phone!
We start with the Colliery, where the 15″ gauge railway has been hugely popular – had we charged for this ride we would have already been in profit!!!
I’m a little baffled by the note saying ‘had we charged for this we would have been in profit’. We attended on the Sunday and were told that it was 1.50 each for a ride! Whilst I don’t think thats unreasonable, it seems there has been some miscommunication somewhere.
I didn’t ride anyway as I prefer to photograph the exhibits
Hi Alex. We made no charge for the 15″ gauge rides – are you referring to the Beamish Model Engineering Group by any chance? They operated on the Saturday only, on their 7.25″ gauge railway where they do make a charge. My comment refers, tongue in cheek, to the potential profit that might have been made on the 15″ gauge line had we charged.
Best wishes, Paul