General News Roundup - first weekend of the high season

General News Roundup – first weekend of the high season

2nd April 2011
Here are some random photos from the last week – some took a while to put up on the blog as I had to download them off the phone – hope they are of interest to blog readers…!!!
Below: As part of filming work following the development of the fish and chip shop, the gas engine was temporarily assembled onto a flat trolley and run, chipping potatoes, for the crew and presenter. It behaved impeccably and will hopefully appear on TV in due course…
Below: Quite a big moment personally was the removal of Lewin’s frames to Vince Allen’s workshop for the straightening work to be carried out prior to assembly of the locomotive as parts are overhauled or made. We are some six years into this project, from when I first made tentative steps, and to that can be added the year Jim Rees spent working towards eventual steaming of the engine. We may reach the end of this journey this year (fingers crossed and with any donations to the project most welcome, nudge nudge!). It will be a wonderful moment to drive Lewin through the Colliery and couple up to a rake of the restored Seaham chaldron waggons…

Below: The wood shed is finally in position and this morning Dave Young and I levelled it up – it will soon weather and blend into the railway scene.
Below: Phil Anderson spent his Saturday painting 114’s truck in topcoat. This is now complete and awaits wheelsets and motor…

Below: The town access ramp for the tearoom is progressing well. This will give a non-stepped route into the tearooms, themselves being overhauled and considerably expanded. The ramp is based on traditional horse bridges (used for multi-level town stables) and the result is very attractive. The arch is just visible in the middle left of this view, surrounded by scaffolding and with the southern wall completed. In the foreground are the steps (there is a ramp to the immediate right) and gate posts, which are to be adorned by some beautiful blacksmith made lettering and ironmongery.