Old King Coal 2019…
I thought a quick post showing some views of the Old King Coal event over the weekend might be of interest to readers…
First of all, here are some photos taken by Dave Hewitt and reproduced here with his permission, for which we thank him:
Here are some of my grabbed images, taken over the weekend – which was very very warm!!!
Finally, a couple of views to continue the narrow gauge theme (this won’t carry on forever, I promise! I know readers want to see more of the other work we are doing…) showing the Wellington Coach paintwork progressing – Rebecca is doing a terrific job and this will be quite a stylish (unusual!) coach when completed – not something everyone sees everyday!
Shame that the paying public can’t access many of the photographic points shown! One day maybe………….
The photos are taken by staff or volunteers, whence the access. However, similar views will be available as we develop this area. A large amount of fencing is required to make it safe to access the top yard area – our issue not only being the railway operation but the stored materials and pit heap – we simply can’t allow unrestricted access due to the nature of the site. This is simply a matter of time/funds to enable this to be installed ahead of future operating days in the Colliery area.
Best wishes
The photos are wonderful…. it’s a magical place to visit.
Is there any chance that a future blog post could include a full list of the standard and narrow gauge locomotives plus the tram fleet on site (whether publicly visible/accessible or not), so readers can appreciate just how many you have, where they are and what state they are in? Cheers.
Hi Graeme
If you look towards the top of the page of the blog, you will see a heading ‘stocklits’ – click on this and it will take you to some online lists as well as a link to download a full stocklist (a couple of years out of date but largely accurate to 2019 and I haven’t had time to update it yet!). This will give you a comprehensive listing, as requested. is the direct address if you cut and paste this into your navigation bar…
Kind regards