Samson - late spring progress...

Samson – late spring progress…

After a little break in the reports on Samson’s rapid construction, which in no way indicates an absence of progress (!), here is an update…

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General T&I News Update...

General T&I News Update…

The post-event glow has now faded almost to the point of evaporation as we set about getting ready for the high-season, with numerous things that…

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General T&I news from the RHEC...

General T&I news from the RHEC…

With so much going on out on site, with the Festival of Transport dominating, I haven’t reported much on our other activities.  We have had…

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A hectic run into the new season...

A hectic run into the new season…

Today our summer season began, it was also the first day of the Great North Festival of Transport (featuring the community led ‘Old King Coal’…

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Samson - one year on and great leaps in progress being made!

Samson – one year on and great leaps in progress being made!

Samson’s progress this week has echoed the manic quest to get ready for the new season occurring all around it, with a major step being…

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T&I News Update - 12th March 2014...

T&I News Update – 12th March 2014…

Lots to report today – with the big event and start of the season bearing down upon us a great deal of work is being…

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Samson Progress - March 7th 2014...

Samson Progress – March 7th 2014…

It has been a few weeks since we last looked in on progress on Samson, but this doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been a great…

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More T&I Activity around Beamish *Updated*...

More T&I Activity around Beamish *Updated*…

In this post we will have a look around the site, and RHEC, at some of the other projects taking place that haven’t been looked…

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No.18 'Lewin' Miscellany...

No.18 ‘Lewin’ Miscellany…

A lot has been reported on the blog re the restoration of No.18.  Like all projects, there always seems to be bits and pieces that…

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Transport & Industry News Mid February 2014...

Transport & Industry News Mid February 2014…

After a few days leave here is the latest T&I news from Beamish.  You may also notice some subtle changes to the Blog, part of…

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In and around the RHEC...

In and around the RHEC…

Work on all fronts continues at a startling rate – how did we cope without the facilities we now have?!  I’ve already sketched out the…

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General RHEC News update...

General RHEC News update…

The winter season brings with it the benefit (from a maintenance point of view) of the Museum being closed on Monday’s and Fridays. This enables…

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RHEC project news update - 6th November 2013...

RHEC project news update – 6th November 2013…

Here is an update on the various projects under way in and around the RHEC… Below: Tony is forging ahead with the Londonderry box chaldron…

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RHEC Restoration, Replicas and Repairs...

RHEC Restoration, Replicas and Repairs…

The RHEC (pronounced ‘Wreck’) team has been busy on both repairs and restorations lately – here is a glimpse of some of those which take…

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RHEC news update - 18th October 2013...

RHEC news update – 18th October 2013…

This week has been particularly busy, with no end of occurrences (and breakdowns) to deal with as well as a break in the recent wet…

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General news from the RHEC...

General news from the RHEC…

There are a number of posts in preparation but for starters here is a brief update on some of the projects in the RHEC that…

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General news from the RHEC team...

General news from the RHEC team…

As well as the recent event, there has been a certain amount of progress on other fronts, not least Samson and the Bread Van.  The…

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News from the RHEC...

News from the RHEC…

Progress continues on numerous projects, as well as the day-to-day work on the transport and industry exhibits across the Museum – summer is always the…

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A day in the life of the RHEC in pictures...  13th August 2013.

A day in the life of the RHEC in pictures… 13th August 2013.

It seems like a while since we last had an update on the blog, so to redress things, here is an update on a ‘typical’…

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RHEC News - the 1950s caravan progresses...

RHEC News – the 1950s caravan progresses…

The project to restore (or heavily ‘tart up’!) the Harry Vickers built 1950s caravan that we purchased earlier in the year is in its closing…

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News from the RHEC...

News from the RHEC…

There is quite a bit of finishing work taking place on the RHEC (Regional Heritage Engineering Centre) at the moment, though much work still taking…

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General news from the RHEC...

General news from the RHEC…

Following a fortnight’s holiday (more of which in due course – inevitably such a break involved trains!) I returned and offer this post as a quick…

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